
Supabase is one of the leading Backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platforms. It postures as the open-source alternative to Firebase. However, a closer look suggests that Supabase is different from Firebase in at least one way – database structure. Supabase uses a PostgreSQL database while Firebase uses a NoSQL database. Singlebase is the BaaS that resembles Firebase closely but with more flexibility, portability, and scalability.

SinglebaseCloud and Supabase are both powerful BaaS providers but with distinct architectures. It is good to understand the underlying technologies that power a tool to help you decide if it is the right fit for your project. Supabase is open-source and uses a PostgreSQL database while Singlebase is closed-source, cloud-based, and uses a NoSQL document database which allows the storing, managing, and retrieval of large unstructured data.

This article will break down the key differences between Singlebase and Supabase and discuss their features so that you can decide on the right tool for your project.

Key differences

The following are the key differences between Singlebase and Supabase:

  • Database choice: Singlebase uses a NoSQL document database. The database is equipped with advanced query and indexing capabilities for fast data retrieval. Supabase uses a PostgreSQL database.
  • Access control: Singlebase allows you to set read and write permissions and document visibility for your collection with a few easy clicks. Supabase uses the PostgreSQL Row Level Security (RLS) to configure permissions. Setting up RLS can be difficult for developers with NoSQL background
  • Source code: Singlebase is closed-source and cloud-based. Supabase is open-source with cloud options making it more flexible and community-driven.

How SinglebaseCloud features can take your application to the next level

Singlebase helps developers build web and mobile applications faster and better by providing out-of-the-box services that handle the entire backend complexities. It solves the constraint found in Firebase and some other BaaS platforms. For example, advanced querying and indexing capabilities that were impossible with many BaaS platforms can now be done with Singlebase.

Its NoSQL document database is equipped with SQL capabilities – meaning developers from a relational database background can query data using SQL queries.

The following are SinglebaseCloud’s features:

  • Vector Database: Store data as vector embeddings and query intelligent data by performing similarity searches.
  • NoSQL Datastore: Singlebase NoSQL document datastore allows you to store and retrieve large unstructured data fast. Its advanced querying and indexing capabilities ensure efficient data retrieval. It also allows you to set access permission for your data collections.
  • AI Search: AI search or similarity search optimizes your application with intelligent search results compared to the keyword-based search.
  • Authentication: Singlebase authentication systems allow you to secure users on your application using multi-factor authentication. It also allows social login options with popular auth providers.
  • Storage: Singlebase has a secure and flexible cloud-based storage system for files and media. With features like versioning, access controls, and automatic backups, you can efficiently manage and serve media assets
  • Analytics: Singlebase analytics tool helps you understand the behavior of your users so that you can make data-driven business decisions. SinglebaseCloud Analytics has customizable dashboards, real-time monitoring, and advanced reporting features.

These features help developers build and scale their applications at low cost. You can confidently build and grow your business using Singlebase.


Escape the complexities of building and maintaining a backend by outsourcing to SinglebaseCloud to help you scale your application. SinglebaseCloud allows you to move from idea to production faster with its built-in services and features.

SinglebaseCloud allows you to store and query large volumes of data effortlessly, secure users with multi-factor authentication, optimize images on the fly, store app files on the cloud with automatic backups, analyze user behavior from your dashboard & make data-driven decisions, and scale up your backend by default to handle more traffic as your business grows.